marți, 19 februarie 2008

Drawing my life with my own hands…

It is said that “God created the world out of nothing”. And it’s also true that Michelangelo painted “Last Judgment” or “God creates Adam”, in the Sistine Chapel, on nothing but a rough and sheer ceiling. That’s why “nothing “must signify “a peculiar kind of something”, as Aquinas once said. So there must be an essence in every one of us which it needs to be unbridled outside the mind and exploited at it’s full .It’s like… turning sugar cane into dunder.

Since the beginning of my conscious self, I had a peculiar way to see my life, without any life-boat around me to jump in it or a life-line to hang on to. It was just a blank and shallow space all over, like a blot on a white peace of drawing board and the world was an easel that supported it. As time slipped away, I begun seeing spots and stains, and images painted in a wet brush. At this age everything had changed, I use oil and mural applications, so my image could be completed and full-grown in the artistic way. It became clear to me, while it blurred to others... It’s like turning dunder into raw sugar.

Now my immense affliction it’s over for I have been lucky enough to realize how to “soil my fingers in charcoal”. It is understandable how lines and curves would bring you suffering, joy, and sorrow or how colors can bring life back to you when you’re almost a corpse. Satisfaction; inevitably arises from every sharp, from every touch of a crayon, from the outline to the climax of the draught, like a written text. You use analogy and metaphor in shades, passion in thickening the outlines, and use illusive phrases when you settle the epicenter of the work. It’s like turning raw sugar into glazing sugar.

One would say that the touch of a gift it’s yours to bear forever. Well, I would say that a certain gift would be like an antique book in a second-hand bookshop, never yours to keep… for somebody else to delight.
My venture of positioning the easel to illuminated areas with better reflections continues, hence a improved prospect to reproduce my inner caricature for the pleasure to delight a special soul.

vineri, 8 februarie 2008

Regele a murit, traiasca regele!

Sunt un nimeni intr-o lume minunata.Nu ma ridic la nivelul vietii.Nu o merit pentru ca nu o inteleg.
Astazi,8 februarie 2008, verisoara mea implineste 11 ani.Tot astazi,8 februarie 2008 strabunicul meu este inmormantat.Dupa modelul “Regele a murit, traiasca regele!” nu stiu daca sa plang sau sa ma bucur,sa ma resemnez sau sa-mi fie mila.
Intr-un apartament din Militari se imbraca culori stridente,se canta si se rade in timp ce la Snagov,pomanagii imbracati in negru ingana trist “vesnica pomenire”.In apartamentul din Militari se sufla in lumanarile colorate din tort si se pun (in gand) dorinte.La marginea satului Lipia din Snagov se aprind lumanari la 5 lei bucata si se pune si aici o dorinta:”Doamne iarta-l!”.
Un om puternic,curajos,muncitor si extrem de bogat se transforma intr-un batran murdar si tafnos ce moare singur,chircit si ros de sobolani intr-o pestera intunecata (ce se numeste “camera”),murdara cu peretii arsi de la un incendiu si cu fecale in orice colt .
Rautatea si veninul transforma un om deosebit intr-o primata.Are de-aface si timpul cu treaba asta.
Orgoliul distruge putin cate putin,fara sa-ti dai seama ,conditia umana.Prin ceea ce este omul, o fiinţă superioară, socială, care se caracterizează prin gândire, inteligenţă şi limbaj articulat, liber şi apt de a efectua mişcări fine şi creierul deosebit de dezvoltat care este capabil sa aprecieze un bine,sau macar sa distinga intre rau si bine, retrogradeaza pana la cel mai inferior nivel si devine un nenorocit al sortii: “Duceti-va dracu’,iesiti afara,vreau sa mor!”

joi, 7 februarie 2008