marți, 24 iunie 2008

Out of an ATAT right Sensor Array

You probably ask yourself what happened to me since the V’th episode of Star Wars. Well, you have to blame Lucas for my sudden disappearing as he is the one who didn’t want me any mo’. I was “obsolete”…obsolete is him with his mother, who ever she is!
Now look at me, just look…I’m standing unmoved on my footpad as my knee joint started to rust. If I have to lay the blame on someone else it would be Skywalker and his steel wires, like if his mother gave him a wire-drawing mill…He was such an asshole! And yes, I do have a problem with mothers. I didn’t got much attention as a child…I’m frustrated, don’t you unstring me!
May I remind you that I also gave up on trying reaching the perspective of a useful and harmless animal? That would be an irksome work. I’m but a basic out of fashion walking machine designed by the imperial forces to terrify the enemy ,bla-bla and yagitty-yack. I feel sore at heart…I mean drive motor.I tried to contact a cyber-psychologist, they were all busy with Gungans and Wookiees problems(to much hair, ears to long, bla-bla, so on and so forth).
Tell me,those fancy snowtroopers and snowspeeders are steel in the motion? No? I told them, I said I told them:”Don’t get any hopes, you’d might end as me …rusty!” I should be named Rusty. That’s a nice name? Isn’t it? Anyways, why did they called me Snow Walker- All Terrain Armoured Transport? Isn’t it a contradiction of terms? I may have a dull Sensor Array but I know that all the terrains don’t consist of snow…am I right? Or am I not? Well, am I?
What’s that over there? Can’t make side of it, my command viewport grow weak…oh,oh…is it a Pre-Walker tank? Hey you! The one who creeps…creep here you crep crapp …crop…oh I’m tiered.
AAAAUCH, my hoof, watch you’re frisky’ steps…crawl, what eva’! What’s wrong with you?
-Some Jawas tried to blast me and to disintegrate me…I'm scared.Please help me!
-Is that so? Their height is not proportional directed with their stupidity and wickedness. Now stop this nonsense and focus boy at what I’m saying: for you’re MOTHER sake, GET OFF MY MECHANICAL HOOF!

marți, 17 iunie 2008

Locuri I

Locuri II