joi, 27 septembrie 2007

The Light Woman

“Oh ,I’m dying to breathe some of that cold winter air. After so many choking dull months of summer. I can almost feel the air entering into my skin, my flesh…my bones. I guess I’ll have the opportunity soon…”
In a hot-burning night of summer I was left standing naked, beside a cold wall. The wall of disgrace and bashfulness because I’ve cried shame upon myself as no one did before. I’ve disheveled myself from that lost soul but now I steel hold on to him and bend over his feet crying out at his graven image „It’s the deluge, it feels like the end…”After pleasure ,I had to give him some pain and seeing the look on his face …oh ,that disgusted me, he cried his heart out sobbing his words:” Is that how matters stand?”.
I’m trying as much as lies within my power to answer but I’m speechless. I’m suffocating myself with unspoken words that came out my mind. I was rash ,now I’m hardly trying to compose my thoughts, if only I had a written speech to read from ,now it seems like I will have to dash his hopes, to lay waste his soul and to demolish his body with the truth …though I mean him no harm. “Our love wasn’t built on a solid foundation.”
This arrangement was made by God so we both looked upward…Me and my lover, we are two corpses, victims of the night before, and we’ve lost our delicacy of life under the blanket. God led us into the wild oats, so it annoyed me not to have been given the opportunity to sweep along to my husband, to flee from pleasure .Now I remained standing to be burned at the stake on a pile for my sins…I’m a dissolute, vicious and heavy-hearted woman.
After a wile of repentance I find myself left alone ,anyway, it was due to this curse that I had to refrain myself. God wanted to bang me across the face, he tried to make me fall on my back, instead I fell on my feet, but it was very painfully, I thought I had split myself.
So now, when everything fitted together, the tranquil face of my lover became as black to my eyes as the lake of darkness. It was nothing … extraordinary.


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